What is a Newborn Care Specialist?

  • A skilled Newborn Care Specialist or Infant Sleep Consultant will have the educated knowledge on any issue that may arise during the newborn stage.
  • She will be able to implement and effectively customize a routine that fits the family’s lifestyle.
  • She will be able to adequately respond to a baby’s needs and be able to distinguish their cries.
  • She will educate, support, and work with the parents to establish healthy sleep habits, proper feeding, swaddling, and soothing techniques.
  • She will have well-versed knowledge about diaper rashes, circumcision care, reflux, colic, breastfeeding, different types of formulas, burping techniques, bathing, as well as, setting up the nursery.
  • A skilled Newborn Care Specialist or Infant Sleep Consultant will have the educated knowledge on any issue that may arise during the newborn stage.
  • She will be able to implement and effectively customize a routine that fits the family’s lifestyle.
  • She will be able to adequately respond to a baby’s needs and be able to distinguish their cries.
  • She will educate, support, and work with the parents to establish healthy sleep habits, proper feeding, swaddling, and soothing techniques.
  • She will have well-versed knowledge about diaper rashes, circumcision care, reflux, colic, breastfeeding, different types of formulas, burping techniques, bathing, as well as, setting up the nursery.
  • She will have experience with preemies, multiples, and special needs babies.
  • She will be available for either one week or up to three months depending on the family’s needs.
  • She will provide complete care of the baby during the night so parents can get the much-needed rest they desire.
  • Her goal is to successfully sleep train the baby so that they are sleeping 10-12 hours a night by the time they are 3 months old.
  • A Newborn Care Specialist charges less than a Doula or Midwife. An RN or LPN who is also a Newborn Care Specialist will charge much more.

Offering 2 to 3-hour newborn care/sleep-training consultations!

Offering 2 to 3-hour newborn care/sleep-training consultations!

About Kris

I am a Certified Advanced Newborn Care Specialist & Infant/Toddler Sleep Consultant and I live in Parker, Colorado, which is just south of Denver. I am originally from Southern California and I have 3 grown awesome kids!

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 Parker, CO 80138

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