On or around 6 months, babies will transition into another routine, a better and much easier routine, Yay! Usually babies become more predictable and they can be like clockwork, yes they really can, which makes your day a LOT easier to manage! They eat every 4 hours, are introduced to solids, and are napping “approximately” around 9 and 1 every day! OH and they “should” be sleeping all night by now…aaahhhhh!

If this all sounds great, then book a consult with me!!

Also, between 6-12 months, they will go through a few more regressions and will try to push mom & dad’s buttons, you’ve been warned! They will try to stay up and party at bedtime and fight naps! If parents stay firm and DO NOT go backwards or create any bad habits, then it will all just fade away!

They will continue this routine until around 1 years old then they enter big…bad…toddlerhood fun fun!!