

If you’re asking, “What happened to my sweet little baby?”, then you’re not alone! Toddlers, toddlers, toddlers, you got to love them! They like to flip the script so be careful and stand your ground! But seriously, this is actually the fun stage and is also when dad’s like to be more involved. I’ve had so many dads say that the newborn stage is so boring and more for mommies, they can’t wait until they can walk and talk! Well dads, you can take care of them ALL you want because at this point moms are more than ready to get out and have some “mommy time”!

They enter toddlerhood around age one, then there’s the “terrible twos”, and then the lovely “threenager”, so enjoy and cherish every moment!

There is an article on how to put a toddler to bed that I LOVE to share because it’s SO true LOL!